Curb-side Glass Pickup
Curb-side Glass Pickup
How can we help?
Williamson County does not allow glass in recycling bins.
And throwing glass in the trash is dumb.
Subscribe to Honeybee and we will recycle your glass bottles and jars for you.
We offer once-monthly service (we discontinued twice-monthly service).
Once you subscribe, we will drop off a bin for you to stash glass between pickups.
Why? According to, "Glass produced from recycled glass reduces related air pollution by 20% and related water pollution by 50%.
What? Once per month, a Workerbee will stop by your driveway to collect your glass bottles. Honeybee will provide a heavy-duty storage bin to make everything simple.
Medium-Bin Service
Medium Bin pickup service is great for folks who recycle 4-10 wine bottles, some glass jars, maybe a few beer bottles, and some other glass items.
The Medium Bin is a 12-Gallon, heavy-duty storage tote.$9/month for once-monthly
Large-Bin Service
Large Bin pickup service is great for folks who recycle about 8-16 wine bottles, several glass jars, maybe a beer bottles, and some other glass items.
The Large Bin is a 24-Gallon, Heavy Duty storage tote.
Veteran Responsibility
Honeybee hires veterans and gives back to veterans. There is a veteran employment crisis in America. Together, we can make it better.
Service from those who served.